Construction Begins on the New Administration and Library Building

Construction Begins on the New Administration and Library Building

Fr. Tony Wach, SJ, is President and Founder of Ocer Campion College.

Fr. Tony Wach, SJ, is President and Founder of Ocer Campion College.

Students Pass Under the Statue of the Risen Christ.

Students Pass Under the Statue of the Risen Christ.

Ocer in the Acholi language means “He Is Risen”

 Fr. John Chachu, SJ, Headmaster Leads the Morning Prayer.

Fr. John Chachu, SJ, Headmaster Leads the Morning Prayer.

John Mary Teaches the Seven Standard Class.

John Mary Teaches the Seven Standard Class.

A Seven Standard Student

A Seven Standard Student

A Seven Standard Student

A Seven Standard Student

Tony Wach, SJ, Teaches a Class In Contemporary Christian Living.

Tony Wach, SJ, Teaches a Class In Contemporary Christian Living.

A Teacher's Aide Supervises a Discussion Group.

A Teacher's Aide Supervises a Discussion Group.

Each student has to take an agronomy class to Learn how to make and store silage

Each student has to take an agronomy class to Learn how to make and store silage

At the Ocer/Campion school farm, Mr. Balikowa shows his student how to spray a cow.

At the Ocer/Campion school farm, Mr. Balikowa shows his student how to spray a cow.

Seventh Standard students study hard to gain acceptance to Ocer Campion College.

Seventh Standard students study hard to gain acceptance to Ocer Campion College.

With the day off due to elections, a student catches up with his studies.

With the day off due to elections, a student catches up with his studies.

A student works on a project in the lunchroom.

A student works on a project in the lunchroom.

A pick-up soccer game after school.

A pick-up soccer game after school.

Seven hundred students receive three meals a day.

Seven hundred students receive three meals a day.

Each student receives an egg on Friday from the school farm.

Each student receives an egg on Friday from the school farm.

Leah Nabunnya, web master, photographer, and PR director review photos with Fr. Doll.

Leah Nabunnya, web master, photographer, and PR director review photos with Fr. Doll.