Fr.Jon Cortina, S.J. and 'Finding Ernesto'

The story of Ernesto, who was adopted away from his family during the El Salvador Civil War, and then reunited with his family because of the work of Fr. John Cortina, S.J. this video aired on ABC on Ted Koppel's Nightline in 1999.

Runtime: 21:57

Not Born of God

Fr. Jesumarian, S.J., is a lawyer working with the civil rights of Dalits, also known as the Untouchables, or members of the lowest caste in Indian society.

Runtime: 20:02

Dreaming the Possible

Stories from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Red Cloud Indian School, and the work of the Jesuits.

Runtime: 23:52

Who are the Jesuits? Narrated by Fr. Tom Lucas, S.J.

A brief overview of the Society of Jesus.

Runtime: 11:31

Fr. Jon Sobrino, S.J., Dean Brackley, S.J., and Fr. Vincent O’Keefe, S.J. Liberation Theology

Runtime: 40:22

Don Doll's Vision Quest | Nebraska Public Media

Internationally respected photo-journalist Don Doll creates a book of portraits of Lakota leaders who have made a difference in the recent history of the Sioux people locally, regionally or nationally.

Runtime: 28:38

A shorter summary video with a runtime of 5:27 can be found HERE.

Fr. Hauser, S.J. Homily

On Sunday, March 11, 2018, Fr. Dick Hauser, S.J. gathered with members of his RENEW spiritual group and good friend Fr. Don Doll, S.J. at Ignatius House on campus for a final Mass and prayers. The group has been together for nearly four decades.

Runtime: 10:14

Fr. Lannon, SJ Homily | The Wake of Fr. Hauser, SJ

On April 8, 2018, Fr. Timothy Lannon, SJ, delivered the homily at the wake of Fr. Dick Hauser, SJ held at St. John’s Church on the campus of Creighton University.

Runtime: 9:02

Fr. Doll, SJ Homily | Funeral Mass for Fr. Hauser, SJ

On April 9, 2018, Fr. Don Doll, SJ, delivered the homily at Fr. Dick Hauser, SJ’s funeral at St. John’s Church on the campus of Creighton University.

Runtime: 14:19

"My Journey as Priest and Photographer"

A talk given by Father Don Doll, S.J. at Creighton University about his vocation as both a Jesuit priest and as a photographer.

Runtime: 58:46

Fr. Tom Caldwell, SJ - Greek Poem

Fr. Tom Caldwell, SJ receiting one of his favorite poems from over the years. Fr. Caldwell provides both the Greek and English translations of the poem.

Runtime: 2:41