One “On Assignment” image travels to Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, where Doll walked through the Mugunga Refugee camp which houses more than 100,000 people fleeing violence. “It was gut-wrenching to view men or women rubbing their stomachs or putting a hand to their mouth indicating their hunger,” says the photographer.
Other images give insight into violence in Gulu, Uganda, where Doll photographed 18-year-old Nancy Auma with her baby, Alolyo. “I have survived” she told the photographer in the language of her native Acholi where child soldiers cut off her nose, lips and ears, saying, “We have no use for you, a pregnant woman.”
Doll met an Iraqi couple who fled their home and possessions in Baghdad when they received death threats. He photographed the couple in a Jordanian refugee camp holding a picture of their 22-year-old daughter killed by terrorists who stormed her Baghdad church – the same church where she was married.